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Aiptasia: The Killer Aquarium Anemone

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Aiptasia is a sort of a reciprocal Coelenterata from the Anthozoa class. Most saltwater aquarium owners have to deal with the Aiptasia anemone. Most stories of Aiptasia beginning are found similar. Unexpectedly, a new little anemone is marked on a newly added piece of live rock or live coral piece, just an innocent, small and sometimes attractive new anemone.

But soon that innocent and small one becomes two, five, twenty and then many more. They are stressful to about all kinds of coral around them; even they can sting fish and look for invertebrates to kill to eat. Yes, it’s unbelievable but truly if the Aiptasia is kept untreated then they’ll take over your aquarium within very short time and alike a monsters form ancient story they’ll eat all living things they find in your aquarium to survive.

So, it’s no wonder if you don’t take proper action against the Aiptasia then it’s possible that you’ll lose about everything those are inhabitants of your aquarium, only Aiptasia will stay.

I think there’s no need to talk more about the need of Aiptasia removal, as if you don’t remove them timely and properly they’ll remove all living stuffs from your aquarium.

Saltwater and reef aquariums are more vulnerable to Aiptasia attack than freshwater aquariums.

Now, let’s head to the process of Aiptasia removal. In order to remove something from a place it’s a must to know what exactly to remove? So, identifying Aiptasia is the most important thing at very first.
There are 17 accepted species of Apitasia 4 among them are found commonly than others. Whichever the Aiptasia is, they are equally harmful. All kind of Aiptasia are shaped like miniature of a palm tree, with a polyp body (the coelenteron) up to 5 cm (2 inches) in length and an oral disc up to 2 cm (3/4 inches) thoroughly surrounded by a mixture of a few long and many short tentacles located in thin rings on the outer margin of the oral disc. The tentacles are long slim lips that form sharp points at their ends.
4 species of Aiptasia are found commonly in aquariums now days.
  • Aiptasia Pallida : Brown Glass Anemone, Pale Anemone
  • Aiptasia Pulchella : Glass Anemone
  • Aiptasia Diaphana : Small Rock Anemone
  • Aiptasia Mutabilis : Rock Anemone, Trumpet Anemone

All Common Aiptasia
All Common Aiptasia

Truly as their names (Aiptasia means beautiful) Aiptasia looks beautiful, Aiptasia have developed to be survivors.  They breed both sexually and asexually, and are capable of regenerating and entire creature from a single cell.  In addition, they are heavily equipped with arms to kill!

When Aiptasia are bothered, either by a passing fish or invertebrate they eject some kind of dangerous white harsh threads called Acontia that contain poisonous cells named nematocyst.  Nematocysts are capable of bringing a potent wound that can cause tissue recession in sessile corals, immobilize prey, and even kill unlucky crabs, corals, snails or fishes.

How to get rid of Aiptasia?

Till today there are couples of ways followed by people to get rid of Aiptasia from their aquarium. We may classify them into Mechanical, Biological and Chemical procedures.

Mechanical Process: If Aiptasia can be found in very early stage when there are no more than 10 Aiptasia grown in the system once people used to follow this process. The process is very simple; pick up the live rock or piece of coral on which Aiptasia grown up. Bring it out of the aquarium and rub out the Aiptasia very carefully from that piece. You should be carefull because if some single cells of Aiptasia remains in the piece and you put that back in the system after a few weeks there may be numerous Aiptasia from those cells. This method is not suggested to follow now days. You may only try this no expense method if you are sure that you’ll activate the Biological method just immediately after Mechanical process. As the Aiptasia which will grow later they’ll be baby and will be easier meal to the Aiptasia eaters to eat.

Biological Process: There are some natural cures to prevent Aiptasia best one among them is adding some Lysmata wurdemanni aka Peppermint Shrimps to the system as they eat Aiptasia. They’ll become successful if there are low numbers of Aiptasia. If Aiptasia grown high in number and made their own way to survive as they are superior survivors then the Biological method will also fail.

Chemical Process: This is the full and final method which you can follow anytime without any hesitation, you just need to follow the instructions to use the chemical solution properly. Ultralife has developed a very special product to fight Aiptasia & Majano only. This product is developed for the specific purpose and it’s the best available stuff to fight with Aiptasia properly. Find the product at Ultralife Aiptasia & Majano Remover

Finally, beware of Aiptasia, never fall weak seeing their primary innocent beautiful look. Wish you best of luck to win against such killers who can destroy your beloved aquarium suddenly.

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